Wednesday, July 27, 2011

23 reasons...

Hey - been a while I know! Life has been incredibly full with meaningful & difficult things. Been getting more bad news on the adoption front & got lots of people struggling with various things in our lives. And the chicken pox thru our house - now all 4 kids have had it (even though 3 were immunized - much milder than our oldest at least). Super Lu has been sick on & off as well. I was really anticipating a slower summer, but it's been the extreme opposite! But on a huge positive, Run 143 was another amazing success this year - already planning the dates for next year!

On the building front - I now have 23 reasons to either be discouraged or thankful for learning.... That's the list the inspector left for me. Many of those 23 had a few things to do - not just quick touches. At least he wrote it down as 'not ready for inspection' rather than a 'fail'. The red fail card would not have been the cherry on top, it probably would have been the last straw today!
So now I get to start fixing things I did before our basement was even dug. Apparently my headers are all wrong for doors & windows. (insert shaking of head here). I think I've got a way to fix them without taking out all the windows & doors - and the inspector thought it was okay too!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Run 143 updates

If you are interested in following the progress of Run 143 day by day, go to:


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Run 143 - July 14-16th, 2011

The run that we are organizing to raise awareness for the global orphan crisis and funds for adoption is just over a week away!  Along with being an organizer (& general errand flunkie), I'm a part of a team that will be completing 143 km in 3 days.  We're going to have a lot of fun - we have no team name, so it might simply be 'Team Good Time' at this point.  None of us are regular runners, so I'm sure we will be very sore...  and making lots of jokes!   Feel free to stop by on the highway & bug us for a bit - I'm sure we'll need any excuse we can get to take a breather!

Check it out!

If you are interested, you can make donations on the website - it all goes to orphan care!  All the funds are going to:
1 recent baby home start in SA
1 expanding baby home in SA
1 family adopting from SA
& our local Adoption Support Centre
      - more information is on the website about these

Donations of $20 & higher will receive a charitable tax receipt - so if you feel like sponsoring me for a few km's or donating a lump sum, that would be awesome!  And if you just want to spread the word, post the run's website on your facebook, blog, twitter, etc.  THANKS!
