Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 years ago - changes

Just for fun, here's a little snapshot of what 5 years ago looked like for 2 of our kids!

And currently!

Sometimes I still parent them like they haven't aged over the last 5 years.... I working on it.  One jump I am not ready to make is into the cell phone world.  There are at least 5 (out of 20) kids in Sparkles grade who have cell phones.  Seriously?!?!

It's not just parenting that I get stuck in the past with - it's also in how I lead, how I act as a man, a husband, etc.   For instance: I really never play video games (unless I race with Mario), but I find myself thinking from time to time that I should own an XBOX 360 or something.  Super Lu bought be a game for the kids' Wii a year ago & I still haven't tried it yet.... Even though it's one more 'appropriate' to my age that I really wanted to play.  Why would I need a video game system that I would never play other than to relive my teen/college years?

I wonder how much we miss out on when we get stuck or paused in our perceptions for 5+ years?  And then I wonder what it will take to jump me back into the reality of today?  Hopefully nothing too drastic....

Speaking of getting stuck in moments....  Here's a band I don't think I'll ever grow out of!


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