Friday, October 28, 2011

House update

So here's a picture of the exterior of the house as we approach winter.  Super Lu has been doing a great job at choosing colors, products, etc. to make it all work.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.  

Eventually there will be weathered cedar shakes in the peaks.  The front of the garage & where the white house wrap is on the front room (my study) will be rock work (we're required to have at least 100 sq ft by the city).  I've got some white tin pieces that will be bent around a 2x6 that will separate the siding (or rock work) from the shakes .

The garage floor gets poured within the next week & I am currently working on electrical & insulating the interior.  Still waiting on basement duct work & furnace - been waiting over a month....  There's still some framing to do (bulk heads, etc.) so I can properly insulate & hang gyproc in house and garage roof.  There's always something!!!!

And in other news, I finally succumbed and tried an energy drink.  Unfortunately (insert begrudging resignation here), they are not bad....  I had a cola version which probably helped a lot.  Not gonna lie, I'm mildly concerned about developing a mild addiction to them.  It perked me up & gave me a lot of energy to work.  And when I find something I like, I tend to ride that horse really hard. 

Considering I just received word that I need to take a class or leave the degree I'm enrolled in (& then re-enter and take extra classes and spend extra $$$ and take even longer for my degree....), I may need to buy stock in the energy drink sector since I don't drink coffee.  I'm 7 credits away from graduating.  And if I don't get those done by April 9, then I have extra requirements because they have been re-working the degrees (but I don't have to enter a new program though - lesser of 2 evils at this point - both are extra work, but one is significantly less in time & cost than the other option).  With everything else going on, it would probably take a miracle to get my distance learning credits done in time to graduate in April.  I've been working at getting up around 6-6:15am this week in hopes of gaining some extra time in my day to do school work.  The goal is 5:45 so I can start school or my work before Super Lu leaves for her job around 7:30.  We'll see how this goes....

Maybe this is what I'll ask for at Christmas (notice the cola version - not the plain)?  Some of you are puking just thinking about it!  And carrots?  Does that help?  Maybe some steak too....


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