Slowly getting better. Trying to do some lifting. borrrrrrrrring. It's been tough to keep things physically slow & not do too much - but I've almost made it!
And 4 weeks in, my mouth is still healing. I got it checked again today and it sounds like it will need another 2-4 weeks to heal. I guess that's what happens when you get a cut in your mouth that goes down to the bone.... But at least now I get to stop taking the medicine that has been reeking havoc with my system & energy levels. And I can take a few bites every meal on that side of my mouth.... Progress is progress.
House update: we're priming the basement now. Hopefully by the end of the weekend the entire house (up & down) will be primed and ready to paint. Our goal is to have the entire house painted 10 days from now - Super Lu took next week off to go for it. She's a really hard worker - so it's fun to see her progress.
I'll get some house pictures up once the paint is on the walls.
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