Sunday, January 29, 2012

And then the flu...

So now my wife is throwing up all day.

It's a little difficult to take care of 4 kids, get to church, etc. being post-surgery.  Let's be honest, it's tough taking care of 4 little kids even when I'm healthy!  The best I could muster on the 'fun level' was to go outside, stand there and watch 2 of them toboggan.

On the flip side, a family from church offered to bring us supper tonight which was pretty cool.  We have some trouble receiving help - we chose this crazy life!  And then my wife's sister stopped by with some popsicles & raspberry ginger ale for my bride.  Our church is really awesome.

I may throw a party on February 1st because it means that January will be finished.

Any good idea for party names?
How about 'Uno Febbraio!"?


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