Monday, April 18, 2011

I.B.'s house better not fall down....

Here's a recent picture of the house.

I was over at the build with Putz tonight.  He helped me lift the floor sheathing on to the garage (12 feet up).  What I wouldn't give to have a machine like all of the other builders to move all my materials instead of hucking them around piece by piece.

Putz more than anyone knows this truth: I literally have to fix everything I build....  Seriously.    I can confidently say that I daily live up to my name as the Idiot Builder.  Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.  I honestly cannot think of a single area of the house that I have gotten right the first time.  It sucks.  Especially for a perfectionist.  Continually I need to adjust or fix what I've attempted to build.  I keep telling myself that God is teaching me humility because I need more of it.  Joking about it is really my only coping mechanism.  And shaking my head.  It's really gotten to the point where I get nervous if I feel like I've had a good day - because it always means that I show up the next time only to find out that I've royally messed something up.

This time I messed up the spacing on my floor system for the bonus room - off by 2 inches in one area (and I also shorted myself a beam and have to wait for a special order longer one to be delivered).  It took Putz & I about 40 minutes to narrow down where the problem was (while it was lightly snowing).  So I think I'm just going to add another beam (the extra shorter one I missed and cut up a longer one instead) and adjust the rest.  Fortunately I've learned that I mess a lot of things up at the house and to use screws in certain areas because they are a lot easier to adjust.  Needless to say, the next 3-4 hours I spend over there will be correcting my mistakes and adding another beam.  Putz calls it 'over-engineering'.  I call it a easier fix than taking everyone off and redoing every beam.  It might be a little overkill, but I'd rather it was extra sturdy (and efficient to adjust) than skimp on things.  I really don't need a children's rhyme created because of my incompetence (see London Bride is Falling Down).....

I.B.'s house will not fall down!
Not fall down!
Not fall down!
I.B.'s house will not fall down!
Man this takes forever......



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