Friday, March 11, 2011

Things you never knew about dinosaurs

Ahhh. The imagination of kids!

Any guesses about what this picture is about?  I'll give you a hint: it's a fossil of something that Mario made at school.

Mario's answer: A dinosaur looking through a telescope.

Apparently in Mario's world, the earth is only 400 years old!  (Here's a history of the telescope in case you care).  The penne makes a telescope easy to understand.  I have no idea where he learned about a telescope (and neither does he - I asked).  I know where the dinosaur came from: in Mario's world he has a pet dinosaur named Yoshi.... Wait.  That's the video game.

To be honest though, we actually do have a pet dinosaur in our house.  Her name is Molly and she is invisible but somehow has pink & purple spots.  She's always getting into trouble and losing stuff around the house.  Sometimes she takes stuff out again that the kids were suppose to put away.  Silly Molly.  I'll tell you this: someday Molly is going to be taking the fall for something I forget to do!  Like celebrating an anniversary or something.  I'm sure my wife will go for that excuse...  I bought you flowers but Molly ate them?  But until then, the kids are fortunate that she found her way over to our new house a few months after we moved.  Who knew invisible dinosaurs were like homing pigeons?


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