Got some interesting news from our adoption agency today. I think it's really quite positive (unless I'm missing something - which obviously happens quite frequently!).
Here's my read of the situation: simply put, I think the whole thing reads as a vote of confidence for our agency & it's director/board.
Here's the short form:
Agency 'A' (another agency) goes through scandal and bankruptcy a year and a half ago. Families are shocked and broken over the news. A temporary board and structure is put in place to try to work with families who are caught in the middle as they try to navigate the international adoption process in spite of bankruptcy. The province where agency 'A' was located tightens up all protocols, procedures, reporting, etc. because of the mess. HUGE MESS. Skepticism abounds. Pain & a national spotlight. Families try to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward.
FAST FORWARD: Now "our" agency has been approached to have those adoption cases come under their scope and create a merger of sorts (while virtually keeping the 2 spheres separate for now in completing adoptions - thus not affecting services to families in either 'sphere'). The province where these agencies are located is aware of (and presumably supportive) of this based, I would assume, on the credibility, transparency and experience of "our agency".
What's also positive is that this could create opportunity for further expansion in the agency and also provides a stable experienced presence to guide and facilitate the adoptions & children who were caught in the mess of agency 'A's bankruptcy (hence being very positive for those families who were caught in the middle). The negative is that agency 'A's families need to begin to work with new people in new offices. On the positive side, it also allows "our" agency to hire/diversify in bringing in more specialized positions (a lot of organizations fail to grow and thrive because they hit a ceiling due to being stuck with a bunch of generalists in positions - their consideration & administration factors almost handcuff them from making the necessary jump.) I think families already working with "our" agency will probably already have started to see a shift toward the positive in these areas (without realizing it) as the agency recently began preparing for this move. Again, just a guess, but I've noticed some changes.
Bottom line: YOU GET HELP FROM PEOPLE YOU TRUST, WHO HAVE EXPERIENCE AND WHO YOU KNOW CAN REALLY HELP. (I'm a clueless idiot trying to build a house with no experience - I don't ask random people how to put in a foundation). Agency 'A's temporary leadership partnering with "our" agency seems to speak volumes about this. Maybe it might also suggest that "our" agency may have a lot less to do with a review being conducted by CIC than most people think? Especially since a hyper-alert provincial authority who was made to look bad in the press 18 months ago has no objections to a partnership being created that involves them.
Or maybe I'm just reading the situation all wrong. We'll find out in the months ahead!
Now on to things I do not have to guess about...
In other news, we're beginning to gear up for RUN 143 again! Looking forward to advocating for orphans, raising awareness, and financially helping a family & organizations involved with adoption & orphans! Stay tuned for more details (or send me a message if you want to get involved)! It's been great to hear of a few people who already excited to help out!
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