Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why this begins...

Sometimes in moments of day-dreaming, people consider changes in their lives or attempting things they've never done before.  I'm the guy who tries them and then loses a little sleep wondering what I just got myself into.  So this is a place to talk a little about them.  It's not really about major things.  It's more about letting people know that if I can try stuff, anyone can.

Some themes that may (or not) come up:
1. I am attempting to build a house for our expanding family.  A friend of mine regularly calls me 'hillbilly' about my building methods.  Mostly because I'm working in the frigid cold and use a sawzall more than I should.  No, I have never worked construction before.  No, I did not have many tools before I started (a finishing hammer - which was a gift & my trusty sawzall that I bought a year or so ago).  Come to think about it, I think I'm going to have to name my sawzall.  More to come on that later...  No, I had no knowledge whatsoever (yes - I did buy a book even though I get made fun of for doing so and yes I talk to as many people as will give me the time of day about building).  And no, I am not worried that it will collapse on us.  Although it may look like the leaning tower of pisa when I'm done...

2. I am a father to 4 very awesome kids and my wife & I want to have more.  3 came into our family biologically and 1 (so far) has come thru adoption.  I've been very surprised to find that a lot of men drag their heals to adopt (more than women) and that there seems to be so little male involvement & voice in the adoption world.  It bothers me.  It's not being a male chauvinist, I just think that men need a swift kick (pick your spot) on the subject and also need to be called out to be more involved dads in general.

3. My wife makes me sound way better than I am.  So I'm here to set the record straight that I am an idiot on most things and make a lot of mistakes.  The only things I really have going for me are: stubbornness, I really enjoy learning, and my wife backs me (constantly).

4. We helped start an ultra-marathon last summer to raise awareness and support for the millions & millions of orphans world-wide.  We are doing it again in 2011 with even more people involved.  No, I had never run in a race before.  No, I did not train more than 2 months for it.  No, I am not extremely fit.  No, it was 6 days of consecutive marathons, not just 1.  No, my feet have not healed from it 5 months later.  No, it was not a mistake.

So if you read this blog, then you should believe you can do anything compared to this idiot.  Welcome to the idiotbuilder!

1 comment:

candra said...

Ok...when are you going to do another post???? you know, with all your spare time! Love you.